Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Energy Sources On The Environment Essay

Introduction Energy is a big part of our lives. We are heating our homes with natural gas or electricity and driving to and from work and any other outdoors activities. â€Å"Our main source of the energy people use is fossil fuels and in the future, the availability of those sources has an end date† (Garcà ­a-Olivares, A. 2015). As studies show there are renewable resources of fuel and other equipment used for energy like wind, nuclear power plants and solar hydroelectric. There are many pros and cons to all forms of energy source, and they all have their own merit. Also, the energy sources that people use does have floss and can cause a negative impact on the environment, and humans. The most important goal is reducing the overall use of our energy sources. The main two kinds of energy used in my daily living are electricity, fossil fuel, which is a type of biomass. The main fuel people use is fossil fuels. This day in age, it is impossible to function without having a vehicle. The only vehicle that, I drive is running on gasoline. In a normal week, my commute to my job is 20 miles round trip, which is in a different town than where I live. Single mom of two children in the same household consumes around $500.00 per month, it would be impossible to bring all the food home if, I was to walk. Children have many different needs than parents have. Single moms have to work and the children go to school. The central heating in my house does not normally get turned onShow MoreRelatedRenewable Fuels And The Energy Issue1583 Words   |  7 PagesInvestigating whether a renewable fuel produces the same level of energy as an equivalent amount of nonrenewable fuel would be beneficial to help save Earth’s natural resources and is a very relevant and important science project. The purpose of this project is to figure out which type of fuels is most efficient. 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